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Wednesday, January 22, 2020

cars, citizens, Cubs, nothing is as good as it used to be

I stand as accused of having only a skin deep love of automobiles.  I knew there were hemis and that had something to do with the shape of the piston and it was a great advance in getting more power from an engine and that there were like 409's  and 327's, but that was it.  I loved customized cars, they seemed to take you out of the reality of ordinary cars.  Every now and then you would spot an exotic Kaiser, now there was the car of the future.  But then they disappeared. 

The late 50's and early 60's was a period of wretched excess in car design, but I've always preferred excess to nondescript.  There may be a major scene in a movie where somebody is falling and love or getting killed, but if a 57 DeSoto rumbles down the street in the background I will completely forget the plot. 

We have been in a long trough of nondescript cars and I don't even know the names of the manufacturers or the models, and they are mostly all some shade of grey or brown and I have no interest at all.  When somebody gives me a ride somewhere and afterwards we go to the parking lot I have no idea when we have reached our car.  They all look alike.

Of course Trump will be acquitted.  No strings need to be pulled and no deals need to be made, nor hoops be extended for jumps through.  Moscow has the senate locked up like a drum which is hard not to do with republican support for Trump at 90 percent only a few reps dare to make a peep.  What dems are hoping is to raise a ruckus that will get the attention of that thin scrim of folks who pulled the lever for Trump but are not head and heels in love with him and may decide that selling the country down the river is more important than supreme court judges and bashing nonwhite people.

The hope now is that witnesses might do the trick, especially the mysterious Bolton (who I still suspect may be a trap), but right now it looks like that is not going to happen.  I didn't watch it closely yesterday, I think it was opening statements.  The dems looked pretty good to me, doing more or less what I had hoped, calmly laying out the facts.  Which may not amount to a hill of beans in this cockamamie world where few people are watching and many people care not at all for facts or reason.

The constitution is very vague on the mechanism of impeachment.  It was clearly put in to check a prez that is running amok, which is clearly what we have here, but the mechanism is undefined.  There is talk of precedents, but there is no reason it has to be done the same way every time, and those who are quoting precedents are just picking some things from former trials and ignoring other things.  If Nixon had only known that he could just stonewall everything and get away with it.  But then he couldn't really.  Citizens wouldn't stand for it.  Citizens were different then.

Feb 11 is pitchers and catchers, the boys of summer.  I hate the Ricketts.  I hate what they have done to Wrigleyville.  I hate the whole thing where if you don't win the world series your whole season is a flop and heads have to roll and the losers get blamed for not trying and the sportswriters rant with long lists of heads.  I hate what has become of the team that could lose a hundred games a season but when you went out to the ballpark and they happened to win that day the whole crowd was cheering like we had just won the world series.  I will watch the games and root root root for the Cubbies, but all that other crap that happens between the last out and before the first pitch of the next game, I care not a whit.

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