Beagles is forever talking about one group taking over from another, but never explains what he means by taking over, which makes me reluctant to speak on the matter. I'm sure he remembers the beer wars in Chicago, when the Wasps made it illegal to drink beer in Chicago on a Sunday. It wasn't so much that they were concerned with keeping the sabbath holy as it was they didn't like the new breed of furriners who liked to drink beer on Sunday. There was a big todo, one or two people got killed, and I think they rescinded the law.
The offending party was the German, probably the Czechs too because we are a beer-guzzling people, but we all looked alike to them, much as Mideast Muslims all look alike to Beagles. I guess we won that war but I don't think we took over anything. I don't remember us keeping Wasps out of our schools, or not hiring them, or keeping them from moving into our neighborhoods. Those restrictions were what black people were, and still are, fighting for, and from previous correspondence I believe that Beagles believes that doing so is taking over, but that looks more like just wanting us to share as Beagles is planning to do when the Israelis drop in, so why doesn't he want to do that with the Blacks and Hispanics?
I don't know how this relates to the farm story. I don't know what it means to say that god gave the raccoons the woods because don't people go into the woods to shoot raccoons and their ilk all the time? And I reckon the guy who owned the land had a right to say whether or not he wanted hunting, or shooting animals on his land. What were your daughter and her beau wanting to do? Take over?
Is Beagles endorsing the idea of never offering a truce to the other side when you are winning? In that case all wars would be wars to the death, which sounds pretty stupid.
A subpoena issued by either branch of congress is proper. All the subpoenas issued by the house were proper. The Trumpists foiled them by sending them to the courts so it would take years before the case would be resolved. The Senate, ruled by the Trumpists, would never issue a subpoena to anybody who might testify against Trump, which it's likely that Bolton knew when he offered to testify only from a senate subpoena. Apparently it was just a way for him to promote his book without having to stick his neck out at all.
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