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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

the original original sin

I think I was entrusted by one of the dawgs to report on Ukraine Gate (how has this gone on so long and not been assigned a Gate at the end?  Oh, the google machine tells me that it already has but in the form of a single word: Ukraingate).  You know I'm a nag but if you don't pay close attention to something yourself you become dependent on what other people have to say about it, and then your decision rests on your perceived credibility of the various people who are explaining it to you, and of course your friends are going to have more credibility than some strangers and you will tend to agree with whatever your friends say rather than what the merits of the case would indicate.  This is probably a major factor in tribalism where people tend to believe whatever the people around them believe.  Did anybody at least spend twelve minutes listening to that Chris Wallace interview?.

If this was oh, twenty thousand years ago and Beagles and I were members of the same tribe in oh, I don't know, the tippy tip of what was to become Michigan,  and he showed me that dead deer I reckon I would have been very happy.  Good eating tonight.  I may have dashed off some hurried little phrase to the Great Spirit (rub a dub dub, here comes the grub, something like that), but I would be mainly thinking about filling my stomach.  And why shouldn't I be?  If I didn't eat I wouldn't live,

Oh I suppose I could have gotten by on roots and berries.  But roots and berries you know they are alive too, or were until you ate them,  Oh I am talking about original sin again.  Latest word from the white-coated guys is that we began in those underwater vents,  There is certainly a lot going on down there, but not much room for growth, all around you is cold empty water.  But some of us managed to squirm our way to the top where the sun meets the sea.and the brightest of us figured out that if we just take some of that carbon dioxide and added a little packet of energy from the sun, why we could split the carbon from the oxygen and in the process get a big smack dap of energy to service whatever needed to be done to keep the junk between the cell walls humming, and life was good.

We lived long and prospered and had a lot of kids in the process and at some point it got crowded.  We were cheek to jowl before we even had cheeks or jowls, and this is pure speculation but I reckon that the good juice was seeping and floating around available for the slurping so we didn't have to work our chlorophyll so hard, and then a bright but bad boy among us decided why not just eat my neighbor?

And of course that leads straight to the deer in the snow. 

I could go on and I probably will, but not his morning with a newspaper to read and an alley to paint and hearings beginning at eight. 

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