There are maybe four current talking points for the reps defending the prez and in that interview Chris Wallace demolished every one and had some time to debunk a few of those side conspiracy theories. So in twelve minutes you more or less got the gist of a couple days of hearings. Without the minutia, which, I'll be frank, is getting, well a little boring, my mind wanders often, and sometimes I look forward to some republican chair throwing. I wonder if my man Schiff is holding too tight a rein. We want those suburban voters to be watching this and how long will they be watching without a little color?
regardless of how the impeachment thing turns out, if indeed it ever turns out.
The train is sitting in the station. The conductors are leaning out the doors clearing their throats before issuing their ringing, All Aboard, and Beagles is standing on the platform muttering "I don't think this train will ever get here."
Eating is not the original sin, killing your neighbor is the original sin. The garden of Eden was those original chlorophyll guys floating luxuriously on the surface of a warm sea, basking in the life-giving rays of the sun. I was going to say they were living in harmony with nature, but actually they were nature. Mother Nature was a toddler dragging a sprinkling can behind her. I posited originally that life was so abundant that life juices were slurping out of the cells available for the taking, but it is more reasonable to assume that there were scavengers. Easy as it is to keep that chlorophyll engine going, it was probably even easier to just reach into some dead guy's fridge and grab a bag of Fritos.
And then at some point one of the scavengers was eyeing that bag of Fritos in his dying neighbor's fridge, and here the music swells, and just got a little impatient and thought well why don't I give him a nudge, and here the cymbals clang.
Having a cat at home when I was a kid I used to like to read books about lions and in their homeland there is always a bit of bad blood between the hyenas and the lions. The lion with his mane waving in the breeze is noble, while the hyena with its skulking ways and unnerving laugh is the bad guy.
And not only that, the hyena is a scavenger. Ugh, The lion, as the books seemed to say to me, only ate what it killed, which was somehow better. I don't know why but it just sounded better. Later I discovered that lions will indeed scavenge a fresh body. It goes against all our ideas of nobility but to the lion it is probably just like, oh look, an open bag of Fritos.
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