I had an Italian beef sandwich for lunch yesterday and I ate it with gusto, but I hated to see that fellow lying in the snow. I don't want to outlaw hunting or take Old Betsy out of Beagles's hands, but I feel bad looking at that guy.
The radio just said that there will be more hearings this week and I am stoked. Actually they have become a little boring. The testimony of the witnesses is ahem, unimpeachable, they are dignified and knowledgeable with no reason to lie. They stand in stark contrast to the craven slavering reps. Schiff gives a little recap, the dems lawyer gives a longer recap, In between reps raise points of order which are pointless and Adam swats them away like those clouds of gnats you sometimes walk into when you are walking along a river on a late summer day. Then Nunes rattles on about odd conspiracy theories, then the rep's lawyer acts like he is roundaboutly working the witness into a trap, but then there is no trap. I wonder what they are paying these guy. Then there is the dem/rep rant/rave. The dems praise the witnesses to the high heavens, the reps go on about Biden, the whistleblower, second hand sources, and secret meeting in bunkers that only the people who belong to the committee can go to.
You know I am a big fan of the Sunday Talk shows, Fox included. Tuned into it just as Chris Wallace (no liberal icon) was interviewing Scalise. Guys like Scalise they have these four or five talking points that they routinely use to buck up the prez and Chris Wallace demolished each and one of them leaving Scalise squirming. Here it is. It's only twelve minutes in case the dawgs are pressed for time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXiWxXKobUc
Trump's attack on Yovanovitch broke up the mild tedium of the hearings. There has been some talk of including a charge of intimidating the witness to the impeachment, but I don't know, I think it might blunt the sharp shiv of the Ukraine phone call. But it does reveal one more thorn in the side of the reps as they try to support the prez, and that is the prez himself.
I've been reading a bit about the senate preparing itself for the trial. Originally McConnell was thinking of using some parliamentary procedure to just dump the whole thing, but it's too late for that, and now, fearing that suburban vote, they want to make it a quiet little affair, but guys like Rand Paul and Coatless Jim Jordan want it to be a circus, and you know who else wants to make it a circus? The prez. Does anybody think he is not going to have his stubby fingers all over the event?
One of the things mot mentioned when the dems were going over the pros and cons of impeachment is that it will let loose the bull in the china shop/
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