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Thursday, November 28, 2019

Gobble gobble

Happy Turkey Day, guys, or in my case Happy Pork Day since ham is on the menu at my sister's place.  My brother-in-law is in the hospital for a few days, some kind of pneumonia but not serious, so we will have a "Thanksgiving Lite."


Trump is like King Midas in reverse; everything he touches turns to shit.  He should have let the Navy deal with that SEAL issue, but no, he had to interfere with their established procedures and now it's another tempest in a chamberpot.  The Navy yanks the Trident pins of nearly twenty SEALS a year, for all kinds of causes.  Their standards are very high and if you can't get with the program you are out on your ass, which is the way it should be.  In my opinion, of course.

But I think it's fine to not have an opinion on some issues because in most cases the opinions don't really matter, I think, unless they lead to action of some kind.  Our Forefathers may have had an informed public in mind but where did that public get their information?  From the Forefathers themselves, I bet, but American history has some very dark corners and we may have been told some lies.


Deer aren't quite the strict herbivores I thought they were; once in a while they get a taste for meat.  Makes you rethink Santa and his reindeer, doesn't it?

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