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Thursday, November 14, 2019

recap of Wednesday

I am going to hazard a guess that neither of the Dawgs watched the first day of hearings, so I will give a recap.  Of course I am biased but I think they went rather well for the dems.  First of all they were orderly.  Right at the beginning the reps were raising meaningless points of order, but calm and composed Adam Schiff batted them away without fanfare and the proceedings proceeded.

Adam Schiff made a little speech, kind of like the lawyer does at the beginning of the trial, we will show this and that, all neat and proper, and then Nunes came on and he spoke debunked conspiracy theories and how the whistleblower should be unmasked, basic republican obfuscation and distraction tactics.  Then the two witnesses, Taylor and Kent came on and gave little speeches, well Kent did, but Taylor, who was obviously the top dog of the two tended to go on for a bit.

And then the interrogators came on, the dems had kind of a smooth guy, Trump (who didn't watch a stitch of the hearings because he was too busy doing oh, important presidential stuff) has described him as a television lawyer and in this rare case I would tend to agree.  The republican's guy was also a tv lawyer type, but a 50's lawyer type, he had his elbow on the table and his fist on his jawbone and talked out of the side of his mouth.  You could almost see him adjusting the lightbulb so that it pointed directly into the perp's eyes as he reached back for the rubber hose.

The dem's guy basically just repeated what the guys said and talked about how swell the guys were.  Well they were swell, Taylor especially was like 5th in his class at West Point and had been in combat in the mideast.  They didn't seem political at all, just guys who really believed in the Ukranian cause and couldn't believe that aid was being withheld.  I'm not sure what the point of the rep's guy was, he muttered the usual obfuscation and distraction boilerplate, but then just faded out.  If he was Muhammad Ali his slogan would have been float like a butterfly, sting like a butterfly.

Then they went to the five minute rep/dem rant/rave thing, only it was more complicated, people kept ceding minutes to their teammates.  This was the time for Coatless Jim Jordan, the ringer, to shine.  Well he was dazzling in his resplendent pastel shirt and tie, elbows on the table, hunched forward, big mouth full of tiny teeth flashing, jabberjabberjabberjabberjabber and then a slight pause that makes you think the question is about to be asked, but no, he is merely taking a breath, and then he is on again, jabberjabberjabberjabberjabber, and after a few of these divebombing maneuvers he drops the question, and what the hell is he asking?  His questions were easily answered, but he put a smirk on his face anyway like he had made a telling point.

It's not going to turn the heads of the rep sens, but nothing will do that,  The important question is the suburban voter.  Watching tv is easier than reading a book, and the dem's case was clearly presented and well, I think it went well.

The Trib and the Sun-Times are on the table beside me, and now I will go to the reviews.

1 comment:

  1. Hi from Pat Karan-I agree with your assesment of the days'hearing. It was accurate and written with your usual, insightful humor. Cheers
