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Monday, February 6, 2017

the lucid dream of dumping dumbo

I think the reps, deep in their inner establishment secret enclaves are considering dumping dumbo because he is getting in the way of their initiatives and making a lot of trouble and who knows when he will turn on them.  There is ample material in his financial dealings and then there is always non compos mentis.  I'm sure they would be very happy with the ghostly appearing Pence.  There is something about that guy, his smooth, almost shy, demeanor, his goody two shoes image, that makes me think there is a ruthless darkness deep in his white chicken meat breast.

It would be desperate times.  They would need the dems because I reckon about thirty five percent of the reps would gladly follow dumbo to the gates of hell just to be with the cool guys.  The dems of course would drive some kind of bargain so who knows what would happen, but we are addicted this last month are we not, to living in exciting times.

And of course there would have to be a big change in the polls before they could get out their long knives, and so far the trumpists are still at about fifty percent nationwide and much greater within the GOP.

One thing I have to say is it is not JFK's martyrdom that got his agenda passed, it was his vice president, LBJ.  I have read all four of the Caro books and am hoping that he and I live long enough for him to write and me to read the next one.  Oh let's not  get me started on LBJ this morning.

I have done a tiny bit of research into lucid dreaming.  I think their plan to achieve it was to go through your waking life thinking every so often am I dreaming, and then you will be bring that part of your waking life into your dream life and when you think in a dream am I dreaming and notice that a penguin is flying the plane you are in, you might just decide that you are.

And then you know, you can do anything.  But what would you want to do?  Myself I guess I might like to become a congressman and overthrow dumbo, or maybe have a torrid date with Jennifer Aniston, or watch my paintings hung at the Art Institute.  I assume you guys would be sitting on a hill of ice cream eating your way to the bottom.  But you know neither way is all that hot.  My fantasies would turn to dust on my awakening and sensual pleasures, especially taste, just don't exist in dreams.
I have had some lucid dreams and when I try to take control things go screwy.  Maybe I can turn that penguin into Jennifer, but likely the plane will evaporate and then we will be falling and then I will be waking up.  I've noticed that thing where you can't read in a dream.  I was walking down a sidewalk in one of them and when I tried to read the addresses the numbers were all weird symbols.

My theory on dreams is that it is just your mind processing the experiences of the previous day, filing some here, some there within your memory.  But why are you there when this is happening?  I mean why does it need you to do this?  Would they not fall into correct cabinets if you weren't there guiding them?  Did I really make a decision when I decided to talk with my friend at the risk of missing my ride?  Did that result in certain memories going into a different file cabinet?  If I had decided not to talk to my friend would I have caught my ride?

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