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Friday, February 17, 2017

Enjoy the ride

Smoke imparting an electrical charge to particles sounds like hokum to me, but the nano-particles in smoke could be attracted to any electrical fields in the computer.  Cigarette smoke isn't the only culprit; if you cook and fry food, bacon for instance, all kinds of stuff is wafting through the air, ready to be sucked up by the fans in the computer.  The sticky film of many types of smoke allow other dust particles to adhere more easily.  It's those damn fans; unless there are filtration systems installed there will be crap inside the box.  But I've blathered enough about this, so we can let the topic die, shall we?  Mr. Beagles has a box that's up and running, and I need to know nothng more.


I enjoy listening to folks with foreign accents talk.  There are certain rhythms from their native tongues that can give their spoken English a musical quality, but there are limits.

I remember this drill sergeant at Ft. Polk who was from Puerto Rico.  His accent wasn't bad but he also had some kind of speech impediment, like his tongue was glued to the roof of his mouth.  The first time he led us in PT and started barking orders we all stood around in confusion, not knowing what the hell he said or meant.  It took us quite a few days to figure out what he was saying; the many extra sets of pushups helped motivate us.  Towards the end of the training cycle we all understood him perfectly, but his speech never changed; we did.


Although I seldom go out to the movies I'm always reading the reviews, often at  One recent film caught my eye because it deals with Uncle Ken's critters of choice: cats.  The film is Kedi, a documentary about the teeming street cat population in Istanbul.  It received four stars, so I might even watch it myself eventually, although I'm not much of a cat person.

To keep things evenly balanced, I also read this:
Researchers at Kyoto University's department of psychology in Japan have worked out that dogs - as well as some species of monkey - have an almost human-like sense of morality.

I need not say more.


Here's another acronym for #45: BLOTUS (Biggest Liar Of The United States).

Tomorrow's Florida rally is being billed as a campaign, and not political, rally in anticipation of 2020.  It's not a stretch to call it premature, is it?  Anyhow, the folks in the so-called Resistance are urging a boycott; they think it's a setup and trap by Bannon to make Trump's opposition look bad.

Four weeks into the new regime and the handbasket to hell is gaining momentum.

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