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Monday, February 27, 2017

Crumbs from the keyboard

Where is Beagles?

He mentioned a visit from his daughter over the weekend , so he may just be living a normal life.  But he also mentioned her experience with Windows 10, so they may have gotten mired in the process of problem solving.  Mr. Beagles is sure to reveal all, in the fullness of time.


Thanks for the continuation of your tale, Uncle Ken.  Just that little bit about the food in Austin was enough to give the previous narrative the closure I felt it lacked.  Many questions remain but they don't need answers any time soon.

The simplest solution to your backspace key problem is that the key is gunked up.  Can you remove the keycaps and check for schmutz?   A blast of contact cleaner may do the trick.  Modern keyboards seem cheaply made to me and no longer use actual mechanical switches; they have to cut costs someplace and keyboards might be the earliest victims.  Replacements are cheap enough, if worse comes to worst.


Evidence of our mild winter in Chicago is at hand.  Behold, a tweet from the National Weather Service: Chicago's about to do something its never done in 146 years of record keeping: go the entire months of Jan & Feb with no snow on the ground.

I don't know what that will mean for the spring growing season.  Lack of snow means a lack of moisture for the soil, and that could mean retarded root development for all the green growing things.  But lacking a sustained, deep freeze could mean more bugs which will make the birds happy.  Have any farmers weighed in with their opinions of the mild winter?


Look no further for evidence that #45 is not a fit human being to serve as our chief executive.  Donald Trump might be the first US President in 150 years to not have a pet in the White House, and he is the first president since McKinley to not have a dog.  Jeez, even Nixon had a dog.

Maybe he considers his young female staffers his "pets."  Some creepy (and unfounded) rumors are starting to surface in the twitterverse.

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