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Friday, November 18, 2016

Where Did the Wishy-Washers Go?

I don't think that Old Dog was among us when last we discussed this, so here's a little review:

There are three political factions in this country, the right wing nuts, the left wing nuts, and the wishy-washers in the middle. I don't know if they are evenly divided, but I'm pretty sure that none of these three groups ever constitutes a majority. The right and left wing nuts usually vote the same way, so any election is decided by which way the wishy-washers roll.....Any questions?....Good, let's proceed.

So what happened to the wishy-washers this time? Since the vote was divided pretty evenly, they either had to split down the middle or just not vote. It's hard to imagine any wishy-washers voting for Trump, which is why I expected Hillary to win. Some of the left wing nuts voted for Bernie in the primaries, but I think they cast their lot with Hillary after she got the nomination. On the Republican side, the right wing nuts were split between Trump and Cruz, and I think the Cruzers cast their lot with Trump after he got the nomination. This still leaves the wishy-washers unaccounted for. Somebody should do a poll on this, if they haven't already.

The thing about third parties is that most people won't vote for them because they can't win. Of course the reason they can't win is that most people won't vote for them. So there you have it. The Libertarians have been around since the 1970s, and I think the Greens have been too, but Ken is right when he puts them on the fringes. The Libertarians are usually categorized as right wing nuts, although the Libertarians deny this and say that they are in a class of their own. The Greens are thought of as left wing nuts, and they seem to wear the label proudly. There are other third parties, but they seldom get on the ballot in all the states. This time there was a guy in Utah who ran as an independent, and was only on the ballot in Utah. He made a respectable showing, I seem to remember around 40%, but Utah still went Republican.

As for what's wrong with Hillary, I didn't care about those stupid emails. It wasn't illegal at the time she did it, and other government officials were also doing it, which I guess is why they made it illegal. None of those other allegations were ever proven in a court of law, so I didn't care about them either. All I needed to know about Hillary was that she wanted to raise my taxes and take away my guns. Well, she must have, seeing as she's a Democrat. I also read somewhere that she liked Obama and planned to continue most of his programs if she got elected. She certainly must like Obama Care, since she kind of invented it herself back when her husband was in the White House. Of course it wasn't called "Obama Care" back then. I don't think they called it anything because it never got off the ground, but it looked a lot like the Obama Care that we have today.

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