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Monday, November 21, 2016

hanging out at the car wash

I guess just because Obama never  took a single gun or made a single move towards gun control, that doesn't  mean he, or  his would-be successor who has done likewise. would not filch Old Betsy from the loving arms of Beagles.  In my memory I can't recall a time when anybody ever wanted to confiscate hunting rifles, but no matter, if one cannot toss and turn in bed ears cocked for the sound of jack boots kicking in one's door to wrest Old Betsy away, then life is scarce living.

I suppose a democrat is more likely than a republican to raise taxes, and both Saint Ronnie and that wascally W gave out  tax cuts, but the two of them spent as boldly as any democrat, they just ballooned the national debt. Which you notice none of  the republicans piss and moan about anymore.  Indications, which of course mean nothing, are that Dumbo wants to keep the parts of Obama Care that people like and do away with the parts that pay for it that nobody likes,

But like I said, who knows?  Dumbo has ruined politics for me.  I used to hang on every move or word, like watching a baseball game.  Will there be a bunt, a steal, a hit and run?   Now the game is played in a thick fog, only that glowing orange head visible and everybody else wreathed in fog murmuring like a Greek chorus in another language.

Since one never knows when one might be in Devil's Lake North Dakota, my ears perked up at the mention of Duke's Place.  Probably by now they must have a craft beer or two on tap, and North Dakota women, well I don't know, I expect they wear fringe. I like fringe, but I guess it doesn't matter, in a dozen years of the Ten Cat I haven't had many interactions with hot babes.  Sometimes one will wander over to the geezer corner of the bar, but then Old Dog does most of the talking because he is the silver tongued ladies man.

But alas the google machine and google maps show no indication of Duke's Place,  There is a Duke's Carwash.  Maybe you could buy a sixer at the package store and hang out by the curb and watch the fringed hot babes strut by, but I don't know, isn't it like winter there every day except the Fourth of July?

I don't know about the wishy washers as people who are more in the center of the left of the dems and the right of the reps.  I think they are mostly ignorant of anything going on, not that many dems and reps aren't also ignorant, but they don't have to worry about who to vote for because they already know.

I had to go to the google machine to find this out, because nobody seems to be talking about it too much but voter turnout was at a 20 year low with only 55 percent voting,  Just like I didn't know any Trump voters, I don't think I know anybody who doesn't vote.  Who are these people?

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