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Friday, November 11, 2016

roll another one, just like the other one

Back in the day, those good old days, Berkeley California 1968, there was a rumor that went around.

See Man, that Nixon dude, he is just so evil, so completely fucking evil, that it's like hard to believe a man could be that evil, so you know what Man, maybe he is not so evil, like maybe he is just pretending to be evil.  Maybe he is some righteous dude who like wants to end the war and help the poor and legalize dope, but he knows that if he doesn't act like some straight arrow, some mean fucking straight arrow, he could never be nominated by the republicans, so that is like why he acts like such a prick, because he is not one, and the proof of that is what a prick he acts like, dig?

Geez Man, ain't you ever going to pass that fucking joint?

I don't smoke that stuff much anymore, but maybe I was having some kind of flashback, because I got to thinking.  You know he has been awfully nice since he won the election, and he has talked back some of his wilder positions, and he used to have some liberal ideas, and he doesn't really believe in anything besides himself.  He could change his positions, and has, at the drop of a hat.

I don't really believe that.  I guess I am clinging to some kind of hope.  I guess I am sort of out of my mind since Tuesday.

The big girl did win the popular vote.  Most Americans that voted didn't want Trump.  So what?  The republicans hold all the cards now.

It's all talk now until Dumbo takes the oath.  They are in a frenzy now.  Will they calm a bit in this period or will they whip themselves into a greater frenzy?  Probably the latter.  But they seem a little at loose ends, they are so used to being against things that they are having a hard time getting down to what they will do specifically, and they have never been big on specifics anyway,

Ruby Doo is coming into town today.  She will be attending the seminar tonight.  Sunday we will be going down to Nap Town, getting back on Tuesday, and Wednesday she will be going back to JoeTown, so I probably won't be posting until Thursday, so in the meantime, Genelmans, discuss.

This just in, Dumbo who has been tweeting against the demonstrators (I don't know why there has been so much coverage of them, there hasn't been much violence, on the other hand it's not like they have changed any minds) suddenly has tweeted

Love the fact that the small groups of protesters last night have passion for our great country. We will all come together and be proud!

Maybe he is like that righteous dude who was just acting like a prick to get to the levers of power and now he will like do these good things.Man.

Don't Bogart that joint my friend.

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