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Monday, October 10, 2016

the third debate

I think term limits is a con.  Most of the candidates who run on that decide that at the end of their term, if they have a shot of at winning again, that maybe the best interests of democracy would be served by them having a term or two more.

I don't like them when they are ensconced in law.  Let the voters vote for whomever they damn well want, including a prez who wasn't born in the USA.  The pro term limit position is that these guys who have been around forever have found all these ways to cheat, but it's not that hard to figure out, those Johnny come lately guys figure it out pretty damn quickly.  And some guys just move between offices, gov now, senator later, and as for completely new guys who haven't been corrupted by Washington, those guys tend to be egocentric rich guys.

I was all pumped up for the election thinking Dumbo would be the wounded rhino and the big girl would be the great white hunter.  She played it very cool though, letting Dumbo rant and rave while she allowed herself the occasional lady-like smirk.  It was going pretty well that way, but then it seemed to die down, become a little humdrum.  She didn't bait him enough, his digressions were mostly the usual crapola and nothing new and shocking.  The big deal of Dumbo's groping and Bill's infidelities was barely touched on.

I'm not that crazy about the town meeting forum.  The odd thing is the way the candidates roam about which is kind of disorienting.  Who doesn't remember McCain drifting to and fro like somebody's forgetful grampa?  The last questioner asked them each to name a virtue in the other,  What the fuck?  Who let that guy in?   The big girl said how well he had raised his kids (the den of wolves) and Dumbo said he admired her determination and they shook hands which they hadn't done at the beginning, and which was most unsatisfying..

The pundits generally agreed that it probably didn't change many minds.  I didn't like it because it seemed to normalize things in the midst of the plunge of republicans from, Dumbo.  One interesting thing was he differed with Pence about middle east.  Pence is an interesting fellow.  The kind of guy who is unfailingly loyal, but maybe that is just because he is working himself up close to Caesar with his knife under his cloak.

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