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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

down with the establishment

I wouldn't think Llewellyn was about folk music.  I hate those movies that are marketed to be about something, like say the Berlin wall and all they are really about is a guy and a dame and the hero punching out the bad guy in the old abandoned warehouse down the street from the wall.  I think Llewellyn fits the mode of a lot of the Coen brothers' movies, the central character who sort of believes in something, and assume others do too, but then he gets beaten up by the world which is full of people who don't necessarily believe that way at all.  It  seems like the Coens could make a pretty good movie about the Infamous Sawyer School Blue Jeans Incident.

I saw Bob Dylan in Hyde Park shortly after the Infamous Newport Incident.  I was only vaguely aware of the controversy,  There had also been a controversy over his latest album, Bringing it all Back Home, the purists didn't like the cover which had Bob in a suit in some fancy room with some fancy dame and it didn't seem fitting for the voice of the downtrodden masses.  Anyway there was some muttering but nothing much broke out when the electric instruments broke out.  I recall that Bob did some of his songs with his back to the audience and we all thought that was so cool,

See because he was turning his back on the establishment, not us who Bob knew were cool enough to know that he wasn't giving us his backside, it was only symbolic, and certainly aimed beyond us at the establishment.  See.

I hated the word establishment back when I hated the establishment,  It was so uncool.  It was the word they were always putting in our mouths when they had hippie characters on tv or in movies.  "Down with the Establishment," their protest signs said.  And of course hippies always had protest signs, and fringe and headbands.

I also hated fringe and headbands and bell bottoms and all those hippie accoutrements.  There was something just so phony about those kinds of hippies, you know they were the sort who saw those hippie characters on tv or in the movies, and thought oh cool, I want to be like them,

They were dressers.  I think that's the term bikers used for the those bikes that has all like the saddlebags and probably fringe also.  

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