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Thursday, April 17, 2014

Realpolitik again

I’ve read it. It seems like you have taken a few liberties but nothing wrong with that. Actually on rereading it I see at the end where the Irishman tricked you, which I hadn’t picked up on the first time. Always a hard thing with a joke, it’s so much funnier if you just allude to it, but then sometimes people don’t get it. But if you are too obvious about it, it can lose a lot of its humor. It’s why we writers try so hard to get critiques, but most of our friends just tell us it was very good. It’s a problem.

That story about P and W, it sounds like a million other stories that went around in a million other schools and since its only source is the rumor mill, I think we can dismiss it out of hand.

What was your mission in Germany, to aid the freedom loving Germans or to stop the red tide? That takes us back to Realpolitik, being what is good for the US and fuck everybody else, and Wilsonianism which is that our goal is to make it a better world for everybody in it. We have had this discussion before and we shall have it again. What I think it really is at heart is that the former is why our leaders take us to war and the latter is the reason they tell us why they are taking us to war. Not always that simple, but I think that is the general thrust of world events.

Consider that these freedom loving Germans were the guys who a little more than twenty years before we had been fighting to the death, and our biggest ally was the Russkies. Consider that while the Russkies were not kind to the occupied countries, bleeding them of their resources and making them adopt an awkward economic systems, the plans of our freedom loving Germans for these countries was to kill all the people and take their land.

I’m not saying we shouldn’t have done it. It seems to have worked out pretty well so far. Of course fifty years from now when the Krauts have shed their guilt, they may begin to start thinking again about why is the master race constrained by all these puny lazy non-Germans.

Here are the Khazars: . I had a hard time finding them because I kept running into Kazakhstan who you would think would be the same people, but it turns out they are not.

Interpretive history? You know what a better word for interpretive history is? Bullshit.

The two main kind of Jews are the ones who left Israel for Europe and other places and then came back and the ones who stayed in the middle east and Israel all along. They are different culturally, but are the same people.

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