Later yesterday morning when the morning sun was screaming in I
looked at Sweetie’s eyes which were the narrowest of slits and suddenly they got
even narrower and she froze rigid as a rock. There was a bird on the balcony
railing. She slunk down into stalking mode and she got to within maybe ten feet
of the railing and she stopped dead still. She didn’t know what to do.
I have heard it said all my life that if Mom doesn’t teach kitten,
kitten never learns to kill. It seems kind of odd that a cat would be born with
all the instincts to stalk a bird, but the ones on killing it and eating it are
left to be learned out of the womb, but then maybe they are too technical to be
ruled by genes, maybe it’s something you can only learn hands on.
In school they taught us that non human animals are basically just
a collection of instincts, if an instinct doesn’t tell them to do something they
don’t do anything. We on the other hand are born pretty much blank slates and
everything we need to do, we need to be taught. Well we are damned helpless
when we are born, and stay that way for an awful long time, almost seems like
some kind of mistake on the part of mother nature, but then our gargantuan
brains kick in and we can’t be beat. Our only enemy is each
Wonder if it had to be that way. We are very competitive it is
true, but we also very cooperative. What if whenever two groups of hunter
gatherers came across each other they sat down across from each other and
decided how to increase the output of the valley so that there would be enough
for both tribes and set up boundaries where they could share and share alike?
Wars seem so wasteful and destructive, you wonder where we would be now if we
didn’t have them.
But I have to tell you I am always a little skeptical about that
whole idea of progress. Were we any happier before we had cars, happier when
instead of twenty miles an hour they could go seventy, will we be happier still
when they go seven hundred. If I look back, I have to say that it is much
easier writing this stupid blog than having to push a pen across paper and find
an envelope and a stamp and mail it out and wait to get one back. I suppose a
future me would think how difficult all the typing is and be glad that they can
just crystalize their thoughts and stare at a spot on their super duper google
glasses and send an exchange of thoughts that way.
But then you have to wonder beaming our thoughts through wormholes
or typing and emailing or snail mailing, would the fastest method have gotten us
anywhere closer to our goal of promoting peace and understanding? That is our
goal isn’t it?
In a sense you are right, Mother Nature in her hard but fair way
doesn’t really play favorites, unlike that awful God who is always playing
favorites. Like when the church bus crashes and the lone survivor says it was
God who saved him, implying that God didn’t much give a shit about all the other
bozos on the bus.
I don’t want to talk about the Fort Hood incident except to say how
foolish it is to base an argument on an incident. Maybe gun control is a good
idea and maybe it is a bad idea, but to seize on this incident, or any incident
to prove your point is just stupid. Maybe Trayvon was a victim, or maybe he had
it coming, but race relations are the same before and after the incident, so
talk about them and not the incident.
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