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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

bigfoot and space aliens triumphant

I pretty much agree with everything you say about the biblical Noah’s ark, but I have to say my main reaction is so what? It just seems like a distraction from building KBW, and not a very interesting one at that.

For awhile there I watched Hunting for Bigfoot on the Animal Channel. It was funny. There were four of them. One was a woman who was the smartest of the bunch and skeptical at the beginning of the episode, but going along at the end. There was the requisite big dumb guy and some guy who appeared to be the leader who was always spouting this pseudo science gibberish and some other guy.

They would begin by driving into some backwoods place and then there would be a town meeting where four or five people would come forth and say they saw Bigfoot, and these guys would pick three or four of them and go to their various rural abodes and listen to their story and then they would kind of replay the scene and weigh the evidence and even the smart woman at the end would agree that it was probably bigfoot.

What was funny is here were these four guys, the supposedly best informed bigfoot guys in the world, and with all their equipment and lore they had never seen bigfoot. They had all these theories which they pronounced with scientific certainty about what bigfoot ate and hung out, and what he liked and didn’t like. Which was easy to do since there is no such thing so they could say whatever they wanted about him. It was hard to decide whether these guys actually believed or not, though in retrospect I would have to think that they were probably all actors. It was pretty funny, but after awhile it was the same thing over and over again and became pretty boring.

All those stations that started out like they wanted to be halfway intelligent, The Learning Channel, Discover, History, Science, they are full of that crap. I think it is one of those things where a poll shows that thirty percent of Americans believe some wacko theory, it is the same guys that are watching these shows.

And here’s a thing, they will say, well how can you say you don’t believe our latest wacko theory when you didn’t even see our show? They crank these things out maybe five a day and so you’d have to spend a big part of your day watching them and then you’d have to explain why they are bullshit to people who have no knowledge of history or science and wouldn’t know a logical method to analyze anything if it abducted them and probed them all weekend.

You know my heroes, those white lab-coated scientists in their tall towers, look askance at the howling mob with its space aliens, and astrologies, and bible inerrants, and crystals, and whatnot, and think what a fine work is man, what a magnificent mind he possesses, get a gander at all those neurons, and consider on the other hand these hopeless nuts. So every now and then some scientist wanders down into the Valley of Ignorance and takes on astrology or biblical inerrancy or whatever and asks them how can they be so ignorant and shakes them up and shows them the path, and they all end up throwing rocks at him as he hustles his butt back to the towers where the other scientists tsk their tongues at him and say, “Told ya so.”

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