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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

our freedom loving allies

I’ve heard the story of the limeys vs the taters. Those Irish, they just live to hate the British. They backed the Germans in both world wars because they were fighting the English. Though lately that all seems to have simmered down a bit. I always wondered if there ever came a time when two groups of people who hated each other ever got to the point where they tolerated each other, and maybe this will be a case.

P wasn’t really a fighter. I think he was just establishing an order in that seventh grade class. I remember there was a vacant lot at 58th and Kedzie where we used to go play baseball after school. It was all rocky and bumpy, but then every place we played was rocky and bumpy. My skills were quite limited but I always wanted to play. But I was embarrassed when we got to high school and in gym class we picked up sides and I was almost always picked last, and was kind of apologetic to the team that got stuck with me.

I don’t remember that he dumped W to pick up the pigskin. Seems crazy to me even now. I suspect she was not overly generous with her favors, but still just to walk beside her beauty that would have been plenty.

You weren’t in Germany to protect anybody. You were there to prevent the spread of communism. If our brave freedom-loving allies lived or died was of little concern to us, as long as the red tide did not touch our pristine shores. We were even less concerned with our freedom-loving Korean allies, and later the freedom-loving South Vietnamese. I think the Czechs, Poles, etc were better off living under a totalitarian regime than having the American and Russian armies fighting back and forth over their lands.

Of course we won’t do anything for the Ukes. Obama has made some weenie steps and the republicans will urge even more weenie steps, none of which are going to keep the Russkies from holding onto their long-desired, only, warm water port right on their Goddamn border for Chrissake. And the whole thing is complicated. There are probably as many people living in Ukraine that love Russia as there are that hate it. It’s their fight, not ours.

That Khazars are still a bit of a mystery as to who they were and where they went, but their choice of Judaism was, as you said, political, and probably didn’t get down to the man in the street. The European Jews are the descendants of the Israelis, not the Khazars.

That term white has kind of an odd history in the US. I don’t believe the Irish were included in the whites originally. And certainly the Italians and us weren’t considered quite white either. I am reading a book about immigration right now and it is interesting how attitudes about it have changed.

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