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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

let's just flip a coin

Perhaps I was too quick to dismiss those Abrahamic pagan tribes. I was reading lately about Carthage and they were talking about the legend of Hercules and how he was a figure knocking around during the bronze age and not exclusive to the Greeks, so maybe it was something like that for Abraham.

I used to be one of those more militant atheists, like the guys who want to take In God we trust off our coins, but anymore what I think is what the hell, how does that hurt me? I still don’t like things like public prayers because I think they are coercive. Of course you can just stand there and whistle Dixie, but then everybody is going to think there is something wrong with you. And those Christians (because it is always some form of Christian who wants to pray), can pray anytime they want.

And while I’m on the subject what is the purpose of prayer? To ask God Who has set up the whole cosmos to change His plan because you don’t want it to rain tomorrow? To commune with Him somehow? Wouldn’t He rather you were fighting satan than standing around with your hands in front of your face?

About my usage of the term church: When I am talking olden days I mean the Catholic church, in present day I guess I mean all churches because I don’t think there is that much difference between any of them.

I don’t get the benefit of believing in god, but I think it’s better to believe in god and not go to church like you, then to be a Unitarian and not believe in god, but still go to church. I never liked going to church. Mostly it is the dressing up. Who are these guys who are always telling us to dress up because somehow it makes us look more ‘professional’? A pox on their houses.

I like your axiomatic approach to deism. I don’t agree with your axiom, but I can’t prove it false either, so as long as you proceed logically from there I guess that puts you in a pretty good place. But if god is supreme and can do whatever he wants, why does he need people to do him favors, why doesn’t he just do it himself? And just because he is the supreme creator, how does it follow that we have to obey him?

I’m not sure that the majority was any wiser in the past than it is now. What if we went back in history and instead of voting, replaced every election with a toss of a coin between the two main candidates?

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