A casual observer might infer that nobody gives a rat's ass about the Institute anymore but I beg to differ. Seems to me that this is a time of careful thought and reflection, not a time for yapping just to hear yourself yap.
Could be wrong though, which hardly matters in my opinion. Years ago I recall being scolded for being "wishy-washy" and not firm in my convictions. Was this my imagination? Anyhow, I'm still wishy-washy because this binary, yes or no, Left or Right, Red State/Blue State type of thinking is flat out stupid. Any system that ignores nuance and unintended consequences is bound to fail, often throwing out the baby with the bathwater.
Mr. Beagles mentioned the Bundy clan, a group that I haven't given much thought to. Then I thought about Julian Assange and Ed Snowden, a couple of more folks that have passed through my memory and there are others. With all of talk of "rule of law" there isn't much discussion of an apparent lack of consistency in enforcement. Happens every day, at all levels of the legal system but I can't decide if a certain amount of corruption is required to keep the system stable. Just some thoughts knocking about my noggin, nothing to see here.
When Mr. Beagles ignored college and hit the road he was way ahead of the curve and maybe didn't know it. My online meandering led me to this line, "Education is vital. College is dumb." That brought me to this site which I think is a thoughtful read; check it out at your leisure: https://www.hamiltonnolan.com/p/college-is-an-education-in-bullshit
Speaking of college I seem to recall that Uncle Ken studied psychology, or was a Psych Major, or something like that. Am I close? I ask because he mentions finding more than a few things being boring. Boring? In this day and age, with near infinite information and knowledge at your fingertips? I sense a disturbing lack of imagination as a cause, easily resolved. I think you need more toys to play with, simple as that.
I don't know if Uncle Ken is still making cornbread with the Jiffy mix. Although I prefer making stuff from scratch I've discovered a major downside: Ingredients get old and funky if you're not doing a lot of baking. A week ago I saw the Jiffy mix on sale at a local independent grocery store, 2 boxes for one dollar, half its normal price, so why not? Muffins are too fiddly to store so I opted for the square pan version and the results were okay, barely. Flavor was good, nice cornmeal mouthfeel but too dry and crumbly for my liking. Good enough, though, and suitable for freezing. The next day I tried again, with some changes. Replace the water with buttermilk, add an extra egg, and add about 3 tablespoons of melted butter. Ladies and gentlemen we have a winner! Cut into squares, wrap with cling film and freeze the ones you don't eat right away. A little time in the microwave and you are good to go. This variation should hold up very well with jalapenos or cheese and one box of mix will keep me snacking on cornbread for more than a week. Good eating at the Geezer Chateau!
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