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Thursday, May 23, 2024

The Bee's Knees

I've heard of the Lurie Garden but wasn't sure of its location, just that it was "downtown somewhere," probably in Grant Park.  Lot of garden plots in that neck of the woods but I'm so out of touch that Grant Park and Millennium Park are the same thing to me.  Anyhow, that's a wonderful place to soak up some of Nature's Finest and a fine stroll from Marina City.  About three-quarter mile, I think, if Google Earth can be trusted.


A bum knee is no fun at any time and I wish Lady Beagles a pain-free recovery.  The less said about health care in this country, the better.  I recall a time when there were small hospitals all over the city, never more than a mile or two away, but they were absorbed by bigger hospitals that were in turn absorbed by even larger medical operations and who knows where it will end?  Living alone as I do, any medical emergency can be a problem if I can't get near my phone.  No easy solution except to make sure I don't need a doctor for anything, not easy these days.  But that's a rabbit hole we are all falling into and nobody wants to hear about my lumbago.


I don't catch the connection between being a psych major and being bored.

No connection at all.  I assumed (bad move!) that a psych major would know something about boredom and what it means, its causes, blah, blah, blah.  Having taken a few psych classes myself, I got the impression that psych majors were, for lack of a better term, goofy.  No offense intended but, as the kids say, "it is what it is."

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