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Monday, April 29, 2024

sundaes and octopi

 Sundae, I know that word back from Gerties by the Colony Theater. both at 59th and Kedzie, where if you had a hot date for King of Kings say, you would drop by Gerties afterwards to further impress her with an ice cream concoction.  

Always a little puzzled by the spelling, but not enough so that I wanted to drop everything and look it up, and back in the old days I would have to haul out one of the books of that encyclopedia set that I slowly bought from the High Low, one book a week for a buck, and then if my information wasn't there I would not have a stack of other sources on the screen to check.

Life was tough then, but that's the way we liked it.

Sunday is a no brainer, it's an after church refreshment, but what of the spelling?  Wiki casually sez to protect from copyright infringement.  Lawyers, they make everything boring.

I came kind of close to becoming a lawyer.  Was all set to take the LSAT, but that morning I was woken by martial music and soon discovered that it was High School Marching Band Day.  Teenage girls in boots carrying wooden rifles.  I made my choice and I never looked back.  Lawyers, a lot of work, and you have to wear a suit like every day.  It seems like all other professions have made the jump to business casual or shorts and flip flops, but lawyers, who make the laws for Chrissake, are still wearing those damned monkey seats.  Go figure.  

Octopi, kind of the flavor of the month, they are everywhere these days, documentaries, books, articles in magazines, on the internet, just everywhere, and the 8 legs and the several pretty big brains, and likely the smartest animals south of the vertebrates, but other than that a little boring.

Except for that plural, and I can almost see The Scourge about to strike (though that would take about a month and a half), but who wants to say octopuses?  One syllable longer and trudging, without the gay elan of octopi.  

 The boringly pedantic guys in those other ivy towers (not to be confused with the bold free thinkers of The Institute) say, in their nasal voices, octopus is a Greek word, and the 'i' ending is a Roman thing, and therefore we should just use the English plural 's' because, because, we say so.  Well fuck em.  They should be made to give up their shorts and flip flops, and business casual and get back into those damn itchy monkey suits because this idea, that they can tell us how to speak English, is way lawyerly.       

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