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Wednesday, December 7, 2022

news of the day

 As I have told you I really did not get to celebrate the November dem victory properly.  I had been an election judge and did not get out of there until ten. Beat up and tired I stumbled into the house, turned on the tv to learn that Ron Johnson had won in Wisconsin and stumbled off to bed expecting the worst, which had been predicted.

It was only in the morning that it turned out that things had not gone all that poorly and actually had turned out pretty good considering what had been expected.

But I had not had the election experience, those red and blue maps with the fast talking guy flipping them this way and that and explaining the difference between what happened in the last election and what was happening now, the panel of experts jawing on, the token dem or rep talking up their side and down the other side, the big board tracking the numbers, updating every five minutes.

And it was exciting, Warnock broke to the front of the pack, but then when the same day votes came in Walker took the lead, and then it changed hands about seven times, until the urban districts pulled in their late votes, and bam, I went to bed a happy man at a respectable 10 pm.

Well of course, as I always do when my team wins, I dropped into the other team's locker room.  There were Tucker and Ingraham and then Hannity, all nonreconstructed Trumpies blaming it all on that old fuddy duddy McConnel and his old guard and calling for their heads.  Funny, on CNN there had been some old guard reps, who in the face of defeat, were calling for the ouster of Trumpies.  Ladies and Gentlemen please, allow me to provide the AR-15's, and all the fine blended whiskey you want.

Alright then what is going on in Ukraine?  At first it looked like they had no chance, all those Russkies armed to the teeth and thirsting for blood chock a block on the border, the best hope was that they were only bluffing, but once they stormed in, the only talk was about how long the Ukes could hold out.

I was a little worried about using the word Ukes, sounds kind of frivolous or disrespectful but google sez:

Short form of Ukrainian, not derogatory, commonly used by Ukrainians to refer to themselves or one another.

But then they did hold out.  Well they are doughty lads and lasses, and the Russkie army sucks, and it seems that Putin went over the heads of the generals so that their strategy also sucked.  And gradually it began to seem like the Ukes were nearing the light.

But now it has slowed. Winter is here and the Russkies are bombing the power stations and it looks like most of the Ukes will have to spend their winter in the ice age.

Beagles is right that mostly what we heard was the good news, the bad news is never popular.  Russia is huge, lots of people, and if many of their soldiers are heading into into ignominious deaths, there are plenty more where they came from.

And remember all those stories about Putin having a fatal disease, and maybe the generals would get together and throw him over and surely Ivan Sixpack would get sick of all that waste of people and treasure and rise up, but the last polls I saw indicated that Putin and the war were still popular.  

And now I see that the incumbent rep house is intending to not only get the goods on that evil mastermind Hunter, but look into all that money and arms going to Ukraine.

Of course that rep house looks at this point in total disarray with the old guard fighting the Trumpies while the Freedom Caucus shoots up the place because it is good god-fearing fun.

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