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Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Mid-month muttering

I was certainly impressed with the musical train video.

Agreed, that train video was a spiffy piece of work.  I don't know when it came out; I think I saw it a year or so ago but I lose track of all the cool stuff I've seen on YouTube.  The rabbit holes keep multiplying and the amount of content is astounding.


Last week I was a little under the weather with some sinus issues, the kind that dribbles down your throat and causes an intermittent cough and slight fever.  I wasn't concerned about the Covid and neither were the folks at the clinic when I went in for a routine cholesterol screening.  Every couple of years I seem to pick up a little bug which never amounts to anything but I'm staying on top of things, health-wise.  So far, so good.


The thing about drone warfare is that the drones aren't killing other drones they are killing people.

True, but in the context of historical warfare the body count is low, I think, with an abundance of collateral damage.  The more I think about the situation between Russia and Ukraine the more my head hurts.  Not much of it makes much sense to me except for the likelihood that the Russians used to have control over the area and now they want it back.   The agricultural assets and arms factories are frosting on the cake, but how could the Russians have ended up performing so badly?  I suspect it may be a cultural thing with the way they revere authority figures.  They don't have a cultural tradition of democracy and they didn't call that guy Ivan the Terrible for nothing.

This is why I don't follow the news very much.  I like stuff that makes my life better or brings a smile to my face.  No sense in making myself crazy or angry, is there?


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