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Monday, December 5, 2022

Monday, Monday

 February 11, 2009 is the date that I joined fb.  I remember hearing about it before and it just seemed so silly, so self-indulgent, petty people hanging with other petty people talking about petty things.  It did not seem like a thing for me.

I was too high minded, too suave, to join a group of folks who from a distance looked like they subscribed to People magazine and kept up with the Kardashians.

I can't remember the reason that I joined.  It was something I needed to do in order to do something else, I didn't intend to become a regular, but, you know, I did sort of want to take a peek at The Wonder.

And it was pretty much like I had thought it to be, pretty stupid, not worthy of my time.  But then I started to connect with people who I knew were on fb and became friends with them and then I was contacted by people who saw my name on their friends' friends list, and then I saw people on their lists and well, it was like that demonstration they used to show nuclear fission with mousetraps and ping pong balls.

That was fun wasn't it?  How come they didn't do that in my high school physics class?  I reckon you don't want to expose teen agers to that many mousetraps and ping pong balls.

Anyway that was the way it was with all my old friends who I had thought I would never see or talk to again.  It was great.

I had crossed over.  Now I was hanging with that crowd, though I never did get into celebs or kept up with the Kardashians, and those people who were too pure or something to hang around with the schlubs well, they were just like snobs or something, who did they think they were anyway?

You know I understand people who tried drinking and smoking dope and just didn't care for it and never did it again, but I never understood people who had never touched either one.  I can't say that drinking or taking dope leads to riches and fame, but weren't they ever curious?

Anyway over time fb has gotten a worse than it used to be.  It used to be that it was all posts from people you knew, so you could kind of keep up with them.  Maybe you weren't interested in the food they ate, but you could ignore that and just keep up with things like, Oh I see they went to Albuquerque last week, you know the sort of thing that a neighbor might chat with another neighbor over the backyard fence, not terribly interesting, but then it gives you a chance to bore your neighbor with the story of your trip to Cedar Rapids.  You know social activity.

Anymore on fb there is less of that social stuff and more stuff that is well suggested for you.  Not ads or anything but oddball kind of stuff I don't know why the algorithms of fb put them on my page like jetsam washing up on the shore, but there they are.  

Such was that video of the electric train playing all that music (and not just the train and glasses of water themselves, but the thought of all those people putting in all those hours into something that is not likely to bring them riches or fame, but they are just doing it because) that I thought would shock and awe the dawgs, but it dropped like a stone. 

Well happy Monday guys.

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