Speaking of helpful hints for the blog, Beagles, when you finish your post the polite thing to do is to delete any white space at the end of your post. There was like a screenful of white at the end of your last post and I have taken the liberty of deleting it.
And that was some grisly post, but as a guy who is unwilling to give up his Italian beef sandwiches I guess I have nothing to say. Nothing to add either however, we have no deer and no muck holes, let alone shittangles on State Street.
We, well I, was talking about auto insurance a couple posts back, and you know they all have funny commercials. Myself I prefer Flo and her gang and I really don't get that stupid lizard.
Let's drop the boring topic of insurance and get into something more interesting like commercials.
If you grow a crop of corn, the canner is going to pay you cash on the barrelhead if he wants that corn, and the store is going to pay him to get the can, and if you want to take that can home with you you are going to pay the grocer. If you put together a whale of a show, anybody who wants to see it is going to have to pay to get in the door. But how do you get payment for that whale of a show if you put it on the radio? How do you collect from the freeloaders who just dial in? Commercials of course. Now there had been advertising before radio but if you didn't want to read the Burma Shave signs you could just turn the other way. A commercial you have to put up with all sixty seconds of it. Oh you could plug your ears, but kind of a pain in the ass, and how do you know when it will end and your program will begin again? So you might as well listen, or watch. since I have moved us into the age of television where we get those car insurance commercials.
Flo is with progressive, while the lizard is from Geico. I find Flo much more entertaining than that lizard (why does he have that annoying English accent? Isn't being a lizard enough?). but as to who has the better insurance program I have no idea.
There is that whole thing about commercials during the superbowl, but a snob like me is not impressed. They get big name stars and they do all this whiz bang stuff with special effects and production values, but the commercial itself, the story line as it were, never rises above the level of a Bud Lite commercial.
And here is the thing if I want to buy a superior product, I would think that the company that had the smartest bosses would produce the best product. And if they are spending all that money on something extraneous to oh, brewing their beer, that is money not spent on brewing the beer so it is likely to be inferior. And some may say, well it's marketing, this is the smart way to get people to drink your beer, so you see they are smart after all. Well, maybe so, but then don't they think that I am stupid falling for their stupid commercial? I won't be drinking beer from some brewer who thinks that I'm stupid.
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