You military dawgs might be surprised to learn that your peacenik brother had experience with the military other than dodging the draft. When I entered the U of I in 1963 ROTC was mandatory for all male students. They dropped it at the beginning of the next year but still I had a full year of it including drilling and polishing my brass and having to salute pricks.
It was in one of those classes that the instructor (what a choice gig teaching on a college campus) told us if we were ever wounded and the medics weren't around the thing to do was to grab a handful of maggots and stuff them into the wound and when they had eaten their fill wipe them off and piss on it to disinfect your wound. So you see I know a lot of that military stuff.
The closest I ever got to big sky country was maybe an hour and a half in the southeast corner of Nebraska. Shithole was the wrong word, I meant something more like pissant. Not pissant in the sense of its scenery and those wild Montana Skies like in the John Denver song and the bold hearts of those rugged outdoorsishly handsome people, but just that there aren't that many of them. I did some rough math and a citizen of Montana gets a vote and a half to my single vote, not that big an edge Old Dog might think, but if we are splitting a pizza and the big sky guy is getting 3 slices to my 2. I will be pissed. And when his buddy from Wyoming comes along and gets 3 to my 1 I will be really pissed.
And for all that, it's not the worst part of the electoral college as is the winner take all nature of it. California and New York went to the dems in a landslide and Texas went to the reps in a squeaker. The popular vote in these three states is way different than how the electoral votes were meted out.
And where is Old Dog's American fighting spirit? Where is his sense of you can't fight men who want to be free? Does he survey the paltry army of the citizenry with its slingshots and baseball bats and compare that to the insurance company's vast weaponry of sleek tanks and mighty cannons and conclude that we have no chance, and just shove his hands in his pockets and slink away? If the founding fathers shared that sentiment we would be calling trucks lorries, and wastebaskets dustbins and watching stupid soccer instead of the great American Pastime.
I scoured the web for like ten solid minutes and i could not find
that $250 a dose anywhere. There hasn't been a lot of talk about the
cost, but it is surely going to be much lower, if not free, via the
government because this is something you want everybody to take because
otherwise it is ineffective. Obviously we can't know about long term
effects of the vaccine but we are pretty sure about the short term
effects of the covid on us old folks.
There's this thing we see a lot in those congressional hearings where
the questioner bears down on the questioned with the thundering cannon,
"a very simple question Mr Jones Yes or No. And it's kind of bogus because you can frame the question where the Mr Jones gets hammered no matter how he answers.
Well kindly Uncle Ken would never resort to such skullduggery, but I
do want to ask Beagles a simple yes or no question. Is Obamacare better
than what we had before it?
PS, just now invited the commentator Free Tim to take part in the blog, waiting to hear from him.
I'm a bit on the fence about ACA (Obamacare) being mandated because if someone can't afford the cost of the lowest insurance they likely can't afford the fine/ penalty either, so why punish the poor for being poor? On the other hand, ACA has been a lifesaver for many to be able to afford insurance, and the website has helped literally millions easily find insurance, perhaps all the arguing about ACA has only helped the visibility, to their benefit because then they hear about it and at least go check it out.
ReplyDelete[ Here is my PSA the site is ]
The health care system itself is ridiculously expensive compared to those of other countries and is a bit rigged towards the insurance companies where the uninsured pay a lot more (sometimes more than double) and the cost of seemingly small things (soap for surgeons hand washing as one example) is hugely expensive.
Personally feel lucky at the moment to have workplace health insurance, but retiring soon and then I'll no doubt be among those looking into it more deeply. COBRA only lasts so long and then runs out.
Some may think why have insurance at all "I'm healthy," they'll think. or worse, "I'm young I don't need it."
Well, ... I broke my leg once sledding due to my own grandstanding and lack of skill I was standing up "surfing" on the sled... true story!, and it was $5,000.oo for the medical due to it breaking in a non-normal way. I'm fine it was many years ago now, but let me tell you I was highly anxious at that bill until I read the bottom line - Patient Balance = 0
For context it was in the early 1980s, today it'd be 15,000.oo