For the sake of the argument I meant what we had when Obama took office. Actually I could go back probably to our childhoods. Beagles liked it better when his company paid the full fare (but of course that was a cost for the company so that was figured into his pay so he was actually paying for it). And of course a lot of people went uninsured, but Beagles is principally only interested in how things are going for him.
I am pretty skeptical about the kindly country doctor. Surely there were some, but likely their were others who were not so kindly. Charity wards? Why not bring back the poorhouse?
But anyway I am going to take Beagles' answer for a yes. Thank you very much and I will close my argument.
And I have big news. I have emailed that commenter, and he has mailed me back and he is willing to give it a try. I asked if I could announce this and he has responded:
Sure if you like, and I look forward to hearing any background you
care to share. You sound like an interesting group to bat around
well-reasoned ideas. I'll do my best to keep up in an interesting way,
but you all have been at this writing-sharing for quite some time and
I'm out of practice. :)
Greetings from Boston, where I live with my love Sabrina (we've
been together 16 years, although not married) and Kensie, 10 years old
and our rescued 6-year old Boxer dog, "Rocky", who is very new to us
(two weeks) but is working out very well and is keeping us in top
physical shape with all the dog walking and play tug-of-war games.
Welcome to The Institute Tim. Right now you are just in the comments section, but we will find a way to get you into full fellowship. I suggest you select an Institute name such as Beagles, Old Dog, and Uncle Ken, but you can remain Tim if you like.
Myself I live in downtown Chicago, I am retired and never married but I have a couple of cats. Beagles was in my class in high school in Chicago. I hadn't seen him since then, but maybe ten years ago we began exchanging letters and after two or three years of that we established the blog, Maybe three years ago I recruited the guy on the next barstool at the Ten Cat Tavern and that is Old Dog,
I now call on my Fellows to give whatever short bio they want to.
And guys, let's keep an eye on the comment section.
In honor of our now-3-weeks-with-us rescue dog of Rocky because he's a boxer, I'll choose Freetim Boxer Dog. THANK YOU for the very kind welcome ! I'll post up a bio this week.