Nero comes to mind, that fiddle thing. The real story of Nero is more complicated, but we won't worry about that now.
Trump basically did nothing except the usual ranting and whining while the deaths from Corona have ascended into the two hundred thousands. But hell what are a couple hundred thousand Americans dead in the face of the tragedy of Old Betsy being pried from Beagles's hands.? Which was never going to happen. I don't remember anyone ever saying they wanted to take away hunting rifles. Well maybe somebody did but certainly nobody hoping to win any kind of political office. While we are on that track the Mexicans were never going to take over the country and the wall that Trump proposed was to keep them out has not extended at all in the four years of Trump's presidency. And the budget gap has skyrocketed under the republican tenure and you know it is not going to be the rich people who will have to pay that so the non-rich people will have to pay most of it.
But it doesn't really matter, that mantra of Beagles is just something he repeats so that he doesn't have to think or bother to educate himself on anything. And if Trump lets all those Americans die and is too stupid to even protect himself, well he doesn't have to even consider that he can just hum his mantra.
Oh let me add to Old Dog's story about his lechery, but his calling all those soldiers lying in Flanders Field a bunch of suckers. That shows a lot of pride in the military.
Fortunately right now ten percent of Michiganders have more concern for their fellow citizens than the Trumpists, and the once-proud state is now likely to rejoin the blue wall. And in that course they will very likely toss out those republican legislators who gerrymandered themselves into power, and the Wolverine State will return to sanity.
Yes, I am once again, for likely the hundredth time, predicting the fall of Trump. Okay I was wrong all those other times since the dissing of McCain, but now I am pretty sure I have it right.
I am thinking of one of those street guys, one of the crazies, standing on the corner, wearing some bizarre costume now completely in tatters, screaming at the sky something that nobody else can understand.
But he doesn't cross the street until the light turns green. Because somewhere in his Swiss cheese of a mind he knows that if he crossed on red he might get killed.
I am not including the hard core of 35 percent, the Q believers and bleach swiggers, there is no hope for them. If they were crazy street people they would be dead by now. I am speaking of maybe the ten percent wrapped around that core, a little further from the center of the maddening crowd, who still retain that little phrase, red means stop, green means go, yellow says cool you heels I'm changing you know.
Oh it is all fine fun to rant and rave, to diss the liberals and watch their faces turn red, to elect crazy idiots just because you can, to besmirch all those smarty pants who got better grades than you, all those tweedy folks in the ivory towers who tried to make you go to integrated schools, to make fun of all those queers who think they have the right to get married, to dump on anybody who isn't white like you.
But it's no fun crossing against the light and getting hit by a truck, and it will likely be no fun being on one of those ventilator things. Fun is fun, but dying is no fun, and look at the hero, too stupid to wait for the light to turn green. Maybe it's time to get off this train.
Only a month to go. all signs are go. Of course I have been wrong about a hundred times before, but this time you can take it to the bank.
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