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Thursday, October 15, 2020

Gretchen's Loophole

Y'all may remember that I said our governor, after losing her court battle, was looking for a loophole.  Well, she found it, at least for now.   It seems that a different law, which dates back to 1918,  gives our state health department the authority to impose some, but not all, of the same restrictions that our supreme court told Queen Gretchen she no longer could.  I understand that an outfit called the Mackinaw Center Legal Foundation is investigating the legality of that claim.  "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty."

At last report, Cheboygan County has had 85 COVID cases.  That's not 85 cases per day, that's 85 total cases since the beginning.  Sixty seven of those cases have recovered and two of them have died, leaving 16 active cases.  I don't think we ever had more than a couple dozen active cases, which represents less than one tenth of one per cent of our population.  Statewide, we have had about 140,000 cases, with 7,000 deaths and 105,000 recoveries, leaving approximately 28,000 active cases, which represents about three tenths of one per cent of the population.  

The bottle and can return situation seems pretty much back to normal.  No long lines, but we still get the occasional ding dong who repeatedly jams up the machine by feeding too fast or trying to force crushed cans through.  

Walmart still runs out of things, different things each week.  The other stores seem to be in pretty good shape, so this might be the new normal.  "Help Wanted" signs are still numerous around town, mostly on retail stores, but I saw one on the Big Boy restaurant the other day.  They never did go to "take out only", preferring to stay closed until they were allowed to open back up for indoor seating.  

Our DNR reports that they have already sold twice as many hunting licenses this year than they did all of last year.  This represents a reversal of a downward trend that has been going on for decades.  They figure it has something to do with COVID, but they didn't say exactly what.  

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