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Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Recap and Review

 I thought I had made my position on these issues clear in the past but, since a certain amount of memory loss is to be expected at our age, I guess it won't hurt to go over them again.

Queen Gretchen, in her infinite wisdom, has been allowing us to return our bottles and cans for some time now.  She did specify certain criteria, but our local Walmart was the only store in town able to meet them.  Therefore all returnables in the entire Cheboygan metropolitan area have been funneling through Walmart, which has resulted in some long lines and waiting times.  Her Majesty recently relaxed the criteria to some degree and, now that she has had her wings clipped, the situation should soon be back to normal, if it isn't already.

Two years ago, the caravans were just the tip of the iceberg.  Thousands of individuals were swarming across the border every day.  At that rate they would have numbered over a million a year if Trump hadn't taken the actions that he did, which are summarized in the link I provided in my last post.

Trump is certainly not my hero, he is my choice of the lesser of two evils.  I don't like his personality, but I care more about issues than I do about personalities.  I don't agree with everything Trump has done, but we are on the same page regarding gun control, taxes, and immigration, which is more than I can say about Biden or any Democrat that I know of.

The problem with our governor is that she unilaterally extended her state of emergency without legislative approval in defiance of the law.  The legislature was willing to talk about it with her, but she refused to negotiate any of her edicts.  The legislature then passed a bill to make some of the more reasonable edicts a matter of law, which she vetoed.  She also stated that she would veto anything that attempted to limit her powers in any way.  The thing is, there was already a law on the books, passed in 1976, that limited her emergency powers to 28 days without legislative approval.  Unfortunately, there was also a law on the books, passed in 1945, which seemed to contradict the 1976 law.  Both the trial court and the appeals court ruled in the governor's favor, but the Michigan Supreme Court declared the 1945 law to be unconstitutional.  Last I heard, Queen Gretchen was still searching for a loophole.  

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