I hope none of those hunting licenses went out to the Wolverine Watchmen, but then they don't seem like the sort who care about any stinking badges. Who needs a badge when you think you are doing the right thing? Kind of like those guys that tore down a couple of Columbus statues of late. They are fighting imperialism and racism, which are wrong and therefore anything they do against them is right.
What is it that Davy Crockett said, and in song at that, "Be sure you're right and then go ahead." I just wrote in the last post about looking up what I am not sure of, and I wasn't too sure of that song. I have a dim memory of some little platter, maybe yellow, because kids' records were often in colorful hues, on one of those kids' little record players, spinning in my bedroom in the bungalow, so I went to the google, and bam, pages and pages of references. And it turns out that the great man actually said that himself and it was not put into his mouth by Disney.
Anyway I remember as a kid thinking yes, here are words to live by. I think the emphasis at the time was on the going ahead part rather than the being sure you are right part. I just don't imagine Davy hauling around a lot of philosophy and law books, and certainly in none of the shows did they show him doing a lot of deep thinking. Maybe just before he blasted the bad guys there would be the slightest lip bite and then a quick nod, and then blam.
The main issue as I read that the Watchmen had with Gretchen is she shut down their gym. There is a long chain of thought between that and leaving her in a boat in the middle of Lake Michigan, but thinking is boring and action is so satisfying. Same with the guys tearing down the Columbus statues. Do they think racists and imperialists are going to look at that sad lump of metal lying on the ground and think, well geez, maybe I better stop being an imperialist and a racist?
This was going to devolve into a long and boring discussion of stoicism and utilitarianism but the morning grows long.
I had thought that Beagles, saying he thinks we need some new topics would have presented some in his first post of the week, but it sounds like the same old stuff to me.
I guess that leaves it all up to me, so here we are: Davy Crockett. So go ahead, and for the purposes of the Institute you don't even have to make sure you are right.
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