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Thursday, August 27, 2020

Try Something Else

 Just as the lockdown did not stop the corona virus, the protests and riots have not stopped the police shootings.  The lockdown did appear to have a dampening effect on the virus while it was in force, but the virus surged back as soon as the lockdown was partially lifted.  The easy answer is to keep the lockdown in force forever, but you can't shut down the economy forever, so that's not going to happen.  The latest issue of National Geographic has an article about the 1918 flu epidemic.  It shows that the cities that locked down did indeed flatten their virus curves rather quickly, within a few months, but the virus didn't come roaring back after those lockdowns were lifted.  Our current virus appears to be a different animal.  

Meanwhile, the cops are still shooting Black people as our cities continue to burn.  While I can understand the frustration that drives the protests and riots, I don't understand how they can keep doing the same thing over and over again when it's obviously not working.  They can't conduct protests and riots every weekend forever.  Either they will run out of things to burn or the coming winter will dampen their enthusiasm.  The Detroit Riot of 1967 only lasted five days, but the city never did recover from it.  People and businesses moved out and Detroit remains a mere shadow of its former self even unto this day.  

Remember the other day when I said I wish that Blogger offered a different type size between normal and large?  Well they do now, it's called "medium".  Try it, you'll like it.

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