Help wanted signs were prevalent before the corona hit because unemployment was very low. Now that unemployment is much higher I have not seen any help wanted signs since the middle of March. The only people I hear saying that the bonus unemployment money is keeping people from taking jobs are Republicans who not long ago blew a huge whole in the deficit with their big tax cuts for the rich a couple years ago, but are worried about giving money to working stiffs. I'd like to know when was the last time Beagles saw a help wanted sign.
Shooting looters, it sounds like the sort of thing those assholes with the Kill them all, let God sort them out t shirts would say, but nothing any responsible politician would ever say. And I was wondering if the Detroit police were ever ordered to do that, and I did some researching (here is an interesting article: and I could not come up with any evidence that they were. The article mentions the movie Detriot from 2017 which I had seen but watched again last night, powerful stuff.
There were some rioters shot by cops but they were mostly like snipers and guys who were keeping firemen from putting out fires, and sure there were probably some looters shot by cops but they weren't obeying orders.
But then you have to step back and look at the situations, Detroit was burning down their own neighborhoods, what was happening in Chicago was they were coming downtown to loot. There was no burning, there was one instance of shooting but nobody got seriously hurt, You want to shoot people for that? There is a lot of jaywalking going on in Chicago, and if cops shot people doing that it would probably put a stop to that, but is that something you want to do? I don't.
We're learning more about the looters from those who were arrested. Almost none of them came from Englewood, most of them had clean records, most of them were young. None of them expressed strong feelings about the shooting in Englewood. There seemed to be a prevailing attitude among them that everybody is doing it, why not me?
What they were doing was clearly wrong, they were arrested and they will be prosecuted, but shooting them seems inappropriate to, well almost everybody.
There was another incident of the Umbrellas last weekend. I am calling them Umbrellas because I don't know what else to call them. During the siege to tear down a statue of Columbus a couple weeks ago, a group amid the protestors carrying umbrellas separated themselves from the rest, and screening themselves with the umbrellas, changed into black clothes and then came forth very violently at the cops. The same group did the same thing Saturday night. Sounds a little bizarre I know, I'm suspecting that they are anifa or some antifa like group, but I am waiting more information,
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