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Friday, August 14, 2020

blm at the crossroads

Bringing in a lot of guns and ammo and blasting away is a common solution to all problems by a certain kind of people who just generally like blasting people away as long as it is not them, and particularly if the guys being blown to kingdom come are of a different race or belief or whatever.  But it doesn't really solve any problem.

The bridges are up this morning and I will have to catch my train home from the Ten Cat before nine pm or I will be walking,  I really don't expect any trouble but you never know right?

Faithful readers of my posts will know that while I approve of the cause of BLM I am on the fence about their methods.  Well I don't quite approve but it seemed like they were getting results in public opinion.  Still their attitude that they were always right and that those who opposed them, or even did not support them sufficiently were by definition evil people and not deserving of any consideration.

If you have been paying attention, and I have. you will notice that we have not heard anything much from BLM lately.  Their outrageous statements in the form of looting is moral reparation since just after the um, unpleasantness is going over like a lead balloon.  They tried to stage a rally in Englewood where the precipitating incident occurred and the residents basically kicked them out. because you  know, black businesses got looted too.  Several local columnists who had supported them before this do not support their support of looting.  Without support from the mainstream these guys don't have much and hopefully they are rethinking their actions.

If they could join the rest of the city in rejecting the looting, I think that would be a big step forward and would get them back a lot of their support.  I don't think most of the black community supports looting, just as  I think a lot of cops don't like their union boss, if both sides could get together maybe something could be done to make the current mess better.

The derecho did not effect me much but it tore down trees in the northern suburbs.  Not all fonts are of the same size and if Beagles would like a smaller font he could experiment with that.

On the shooting of Latrell there has not been much light.  It appears, but is not certain that the cops were in the right.  If only they had been wearing their body cams.

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