I don't think that a national lockdown would have been appropriate because the virus did not hit all states equally, at least in the beginning. Last I head, South Dakota still hadn't experienced any significant effects or mandated any restrictions. I suspect that, if Trump had ordered a national lockdown, both Uncle Ken and I would be on opposite sides of the issue than we are today. It's like when we were in school, a behavior is only cool if one of the cool kids does it.
Mask compliance in Cheboygan was about 50% until Queen Gretchen issued her latest decree, and now it's 100%. No store in town will let you in without a mask. Our sheriff has said that, while he wouldn't directly enforce the mask rule, he would respond if a maskless person refused to leave after store personnel told them to. I, who am generally anti-mask, have been compliant only because I don't want to cause any trouble for the store personnel. I only have to wear a mask while shopping, those poor people have to wear one all day. Maybe that's why it's so hard to find help nowadays, nobody wants to wear a stupid mask for a whole eight hour shift.
Most of the rural counties in Northern Michigan have been doing contact tracing since the beginning, while the urban counties Down Below complained that they didn't have the resources to do it.
I have not heard of any large gatherings around here, but I have read about the house parties and street parties in the cities, many of which end up with somebody getting shot. Shoppers have become generally compliant with the six foot rule, although it's not unusual for some body to wave you on if they see you waiting for them to clear the aisle. I figure it's not so dangerous if you hustle by them really fast.
I see on the news that the anti-protestors are finally starting to fight back. I don't remember seeing anything like that in the 60s, but I didn't watch much TV in those days, and I wouldn't have attended a protest if Jesus Christ Himself was leading it, and still wouldn't even unto this day.
The politicians I was thinking of were not the ant-war liberals, I was thinking of RINOS like Tricky Dick and Kissinger-ass, who snatched defeat out of the jaws on victory in Vietnam. Then there was Truman, who fired MacArthur for trying to win in Korea.
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