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Thursday, July 11, 2019

We Don't Need No Stinking Plan!

I can't speak for the Republicans, but maybe they don't have a plan because they don't want no plan.  Their efforts so far have been expended towards opposing socialized medicine, so why would they have a plan to support socialized medicine?  Trump said that he had a plan, which mostly involved keeping certain provisions of Obamacare, like pre-existing conditions, while scrapping other provisions, like the individual mandate.  I didn't read it, if it was ever indeed published, but it sounded to me like what I said before, he wanted to patch up Obamacare and re-brand it as Trumpcare.  I personally like the Canadian system, but I would never vote for any Democrat, even if they proposed the exact same thing for us, because the Democrats want to take away our guns.  I might vote for a Republican who proposed the Canadian system, all other factors being equal.

I am a little confused by Uncle Ken' references to "the migrant vote".   Non-citizens aren't supposed to vote, although I read someplace that California is considering allowing them to vote in local elections.  It wouldn't surprise me if they were voting in Chicago, since they even let dead people vote there, but I haven't read that they were.  Are they?  Anything's possible, but I find it hard to believe that a recently naturalized citizen would be spooked by the word "citizen" on a government form.  Even if their command of English is limited, they must know that they are indeed citizens now.

 "Beagles claimed in his earlier post that he didn't understand why anybody objects to the citizenship question on the seminar, but in his later post he admits that well, maybe he did hear something about why they object on those mysterious news apps where he browses.  Then I have to assume he is equally aware of the memo of the dead guy who wrote to the reps that is why they ought to do it, and that is why they have done it, and that is why the supreme court, though Trump-loaded, has rejected it, so I don't think I have to say anything more here." - From Uncle Ken's last post

I can't seem to make much sense of this paragraph.  What seminar?  What dead guy?  As for my "mysterious news apps", there is nothing mysterious about it.  It came pre-installed from Microsoft and, as far as I know, everybody who is using Windows 10 has one.  All they do is reprint articles from a wide range of sources, some more reliable than others.  I avoid the extreme ones like FOX and MSNBC, and I seem to remember that most of the articles on immigration that I have cited came from the Washington Post and the New York Times.  

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