I wonder what Beagles has against school. Oh sure, I hated it through high school, but that was mostly I hated people telling me what to do all the time. I was not a good student at the U of I, on probation half the time I was there, and not really paying much attention to what I was supposed to be learning especially when I got to have a social life, and then those sixties. I was a better student when I took those data processing courses at the junior college in Champaign, and then some programming courses in Austin. Edukashun school was awfully boring and irrelevant, but then it was run by people who were like my high school and grade school teachers. The good thing about school is there is discussion which the self-taught scholar never gets.
I couldn't disagree more, could not disagree more, really could not disagree more with Beagles about just tossing stuff out to see what becomes of it, especially since it is then up to me to put in all the legwork of grueling internet research, and anyway who just says something without thinking about it? A person should have facts and reasoning behind everything they believe, else why should anybody listen to them? The unexamined life, as has been stated before in these annals, is not worth living.
Nevertheless, if the present trend continues, we will end up being a minority in our own country. I think this is what Beagles is primarily about in his arguments about immigration, his talk of laws and rights is just so much window dressing, this is all he is concerned with, like the way George Wallace blabbed on about state's rights, when what was really behind it was white people not wanting to have their kids sitting next to black kids in school..
And I'll disagree with Old Dog about topics that are too thorny and complicated, why that is perzackly what makes them interesting. Remember we went to the moon not because it was easy, but because it was hard.
I read the first half of the Mueller Report, and although it wasn't badly written it was a bit slow, lots of footnotes and stuff like that, and most of the material was in the newspapers in more easily digestible form. When it all began my ilk was enthusiastic because we thought it would prove collusion and thereby set the skids under the big orange baby, but while it did confirm the former it had no effect on the latter. Even before Barr's snappy two step of deception it became apparent that the forty percent don't care about collusion, and if the forty percent are not on their side the republicans remain toadies. That YouTube video looks interesting, but it's hard for me to just sit still and watch something for that long.
I get earworms all the time. I think the main culprit is those tv commercials where they slap a dash of a popular 60s or 70s song into their commercial. You don't even notice it at first, and even when the earworm has wormed its way in it's hard to recall where that song came from. I generally try to force another song on top of it, and even if that song becomes an earworm, at least it is a song that I like. Easy From Now On as sung by Emmylou Harris works most effectively for that.
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