I don't believe that all opinions are equal. Some are more informed and thought out than others. I think I am much better than Beagles at backing up my citations. When I am writing something, I'll think that I know that for instannce, 79 percent of asylum seekers return for their court dates, but I am not sure so I am off to the google machine or the wiki mobile to find out if that is correct before I put it in my post, and I do that about three times for every one I put up. If Beagles were willing to do the legwork of going through past posts he would discover I cite my sources way more often than he does.
Beagles puts in a relevant link here though. It is from the National Review, which is pretty conservative, but not Trumpist. Beagles correctly notes that I do point out when one of his links comes from a right-wing source, but I believe he is mistaken when says I dismiss them, I think I go on to consider the merits of the argument regardless of the source, to the extent that I don't I am in the wrong.
Is Trump racist? I think so, but what does the term mean? It's like socialism, it means whatever the person using it wants it to mean. Both terms are like tar sticks. you use them to tar your opponents. Rather than make a reasoned argument you just accuse them of racism or socialism and consider that thusly you have refuted them.
I think it's pretty evident that liberals toss the term around a lot more than conservatives, and I want to go on record that I think we do it too much. The more conservative you are the fewer people you think are racists, when you get close to the edge, the KKKs and the Aryan Brothers, I think neither one of them consider themselves racists.
I want to set up a series of categories and have a discussion of who we could call racists.
I - The sons of the old south, the confederacy, Black people are not as good as white people, not as smart, not as moral, and therefore they deserve to be slaves. I think everybody would agree that those guys were racists.
II - The social Darwinists who believe like the sons of the old south that black people are not as good as white people, but don't believe in slavery, Is it racist just to think that the races are unequal? I think so.
III - The identity politickers who say maybe the races are equal, but I am a white man (or a black man), and I am going to stick up for my people. I know the other race is going to stick up for their people so it is only just that I stick up for mine. I still call this racist because you are favoring one race over the other.
IV - The everything is ok now guys who say ok, there used to be a lot of racism around but we've grown we've overcome all that, so there's no reason to pass a bunch of anti-discrimination bills, or to help out the poor who are mostly black. I think these people are wrong, but I don't think I would call them racist. It's just too strong a charge and it alienates people and I think my ilk tosses this charge around way too much.
V - People like me, who think we are all equal, and should all love each other, well get along anyway, but I think redresses of the past should be addressed. Because black people in the past, and even in the present day have a harder climb we ought to give them a hand.
These categories are kind of arbitrary, but the morning grows late. Where do the dawgs stand on this. And do either of you guys think there is some kind of definition of racism in a sentence or two?
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