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Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Trump is a Trumpist

Although, according to Wiki, lots of different people could be called populists by lots of other different people, I wouldn't call Trump a populist.  A populist is supposed to be for "the people" and against "the elite", and Trump is for Trump and against everybody who happens to displease him at the moment.  I put the terms the "the people" and "the elite" in quotation marks because one of the problems I have with populism is that it uses those terms without clearly defining them.  Which people and which elite?  There's lots of them out there and the different groups are often at cross purposes to each other.  As I have said before, I used to think they were all in it together, but now I'm not so sure.  I still think that they're all in it, but not necessarily together.  Or, as Uncle Ken once said, the elites are like the ancient Greek Gods, always squabbling among themselves with little regard for the pawns beneath their feet.  Unfortunately, the pawns aren't much better, always squabbling among themselves and voting for whichever fat cat promises to favor their faction at the expense of the others.

I'm pretty sure that that knowledge of good and evil means the ability to tell right from wrong.  Before they ate of the fruit, Adam and Eve were innocent like children, for "they were naked and they were not ashamed".  I doubt that God had a problem with humans occupying His land, for He told them to "be fruitful and multiply upon the land and subdue it."  It wasn't until much later that man began to get the feeling that he had become a little too fruitful for his own good, and that perhaps he had subdued the land a little too effectively.

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