I've lost interest in the new cornbread recipe with the word sweet. I don't have much of a sweet tooth. I would like to add cheese, jalapenos, sun dried tomatoes and black olives, but honey, not so much.
And of course I am not going to agree with Old Dawg's assessment that I am the man of heart and Beagles is the man of head, I think it is the reverse. And of course I think I come out ahead way more often than I come out behind. But then I would wouldn't I?
The more people you have the more evil you will have and also the more virtue, I don't see the point. The bigger glass of salty water doesn't taste any different than the small glass.
The 'bad' guys of the central American countries are staying put. The migrants represent a small portion of the population of those countries and there are still plenty of people to bully. The trek across Mexico is grueling, why would anybody want to do it if they were the bullies rather than the bullied?
Methinks there are a couple kinds of speculation, one is where you don't know much about a situation so you make a guess, the other is where you may or may not do something and you are thinking about it. The former is where Beagles speculates that the immigrants are bringing crime in their wake, But fortunately we live in the era of the interweb and if Beagles were to merely google crime rate among immigrants he would soon be disabused of that opinion. It's not that much work, and I don't see why it is always up to me to do it.
As for the other kind of speculation, I hope that they speculate long and hard and never get around to getting us into a war with Iran. Beagles claims to be for the gummint doing nothing and then when it does nothing he is upset with that.
So, when we last left Ken in the war of the Christmas lights the board had decided to revisit the issue and to take a survey before they made a final decision. My opinion, based on my petition, was that the majority of those surveyed would come out for colored lights, so I figured that the battle was won. There was a meeting last night which I thought would be to formulate the the survey. As I said I thought it was decided and so apparently did the woman who appeared to be leading the meeting, but there were a couple other board members who did not think that it had been decided upon. What kind of board is this that doesn't know what was decided? Indeed what kind of board is this? They are kind of a caste who all know each other and talk about things among themselves. I am way outnumbered and I don't know who is who.
So I had to argue the whole thing again, outnumbered and outgunned I fought the good fight. Of course it didn't hurt that the woman who was running the meeting was a little bit on my side. Anyway the survey will take place, but I am sure there will be some kind of debate on how it is formulated. I am wary of them slanting it so that it comes out their way.
A couple interesting things I learned. It is not one man one vote in the towers. Your vote is multiplied by your assessment which is based on what your unit is valued at. The more expensive your unit is, the more your vote counts for. The main reason they ever decided to pass the whites only rule was that some realtors had called the multicolored lights tacky. The board members are primarily real estate types, and they are more interested in how much money they can make flipping units than what the people in the towers want,.
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