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Friday, May 31, 2019

"Rules Are Made to be Broken"

I always thought that was a dumb saying but, now that I think of it, the whole Judeo-Christian tradition is based upon it.  If no rules were ever broken, there would be no need for forgiveness, and all the churches and synagogues would be out of business.  I suppose the Pagans and Wiccans would still be dancing naked in the forest, which might not be such a bad thing.  I'll have to ask my daughter about that the next time I see her. 

Uncle Ken has told us before about the Condo Cat Lady, and also about how the Christmas light rule was not enforced in the past.  So what's different this time?  Since Uncle Ken thinks it's okay to have unenforced rules on the books, why is he weeping and gnashing his teeth over this one?  Why doesn't he just put up his Christmas lights when the time comes and see what happens?  

I can see a problem with the dog rule.  Suppose another neighbor has a dog that barks all the time and somebody complains about it.  How could the board justify making him get rid of his barking dog while allowing the silent dog to remain?  The rule doesn't say "no barking dogs", it just says "no dogs".  A better rule might be "no loud noises that disturb the neighbors."

Meanwhile, back at the border, this is a new development for a change:

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