I seem to remember using that title before, which is why I put a (2) after it. I didn't care then, nor do I care now, whether Trump gets impeached or not. I was tired of hearing about it then, and I'm even more tired of hearing about it now. They should either do it or don't do it, and then move on to something else. I did not post those two links last night because I thought they made a good case either for or against impeachment, I posted them to express my dismay that it looks like this thing is not going to be over with any time soon.
It has occurred to me that all this investigating is just something to divert our attention away from more important matters like illegal immigration. I know Uncle Ken thinks that's not a problem but, last I heard, those guys were streaming across the border at the rate of 100,000 a month, and that's just the ones they catch. I mean, how many busboys do we need in this country? I seem to remember
that the Watergate investigation diverted everybody's attention from the sell out of Taiwan and South Vietnam. Who are they planning to sell out this time, Israel and South Korea? Who's next, England, Canada, and Australia?
I wasn't interested in teenage music when I was a teenager. Why would I be interested in it now? I have no objection to my esteemed colleagues talking about it, just don't expect me to participate. Okay, just this one time.
On a lighter note: https://a.msn.com/r/2/AABbRIt?m=en-us&referrerID=InAppShare
This reminds me of a song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eici3zNLGn0&list=RDEici3zNLGn0&index=1
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