I have no experience with DOS, so I will have to take Uncle Ken's word for that one. It sounds like just another example of how they are trying to take away all our stuff.
The poor disadvantaged people of the North Side need mass transit because their streets are too narrow and there's no place to park. We used to have trains here in God's Country, but they took them away a long time ago. I suppose they decided that those poor North Siders needed them more than we did. It's like some famous Commie said: "From each according to his ability to each according to his need."
We seem to be holding our own with the gun laws, at least for now, which must cause them to weep and gnash their teeth.
I'm surprised that Uncle Ken is not aware that they are trying to take away our meat, since they have been propagandizing about it for decades now. They say that red meat is bad for you because it gives you cholesterol or something. Cholesterol is one of those words that they invented back in the 60s you know. It's supposed to clog up your veins, which allegedly causes strokes and heart attacks, and yet people were having strokes and heart attacks long before cholesterol was invented. Splain that if you can! They also claim that cattle are bad for the environment because their farts erode the ozone or something. I am not making this up! I couldn't make up something as stupid as that if I tried.
I saw on the news the other day that Burger King has started selling something called "The Impossible Burger". Veggie burgers have been around for a long time. I tried one once, and it wasn't as bad as it sounds, but it was definitely not meat. This new fake meat, however, is supposed to look, smell, and taste exactly the same as real meat. Whatever possessed them to invent something like that? The only explanation that makes sense is that they want to eventually phase real meat out without us noticing. I understand they are also making meat out of cells. They take cells from a living animal and grow them in a lab like bacteria. This is no longer experimental, they can do it now, but it's still too expensive to replace regular meat in the market place. They are rapidly closing the gap, however. A few years ago it costed over a million dollars a pound, and they now have it down to $50 a pound. The regular meat people are already contemplating legal action to prevent them from labeling it as meat. Technically, it is meat, it's just not regular meat. Some lawyers are going to make a lot of money off this one.
Then there's the pork bellies. I don't know how many people have noticed, but they stopped trading pork belly futures some time ago. Although I have never traded commodity futures, I used to like to watch the pork belly futures because they were an accurate indicator of where the rest of the market was going. If pork bellies went up, everything else was going up sooner or later, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but sooner or later. They have replaced pork bellies with something called "lean hogs", which I assume means hogs without bellies. Pork bellies are what they used to make bacon out of, you know. They still sell bacon but, since hogs no longer have bellies, it must be some kind of fake bacon, so we don't buy it anymore.
Speaking of legal action, I read on my news app yesterday that somebody is suing the Justice Department to make them specifically explain the reason for each redaction in the Mueller Report. If successful, they then plan to challenge each and every redaction one by one. This sounds like time consuming work, I wonder if they plan to do it with volunteers or paid professional help. If they will be paying somebody, what is the source of their money? Somebody ought to investigate that.
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