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Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Uncle Ken, all the time

Stupid bitch.  I made her a Goddamn whiskey sour just like every other Goddamn whiskey sour I'd ever made, kind of slammed it down in front of her...

Unless she caught him on a bad night it seems to me that customer service is not one of Uncle Ken's strengths.  In retrospect do you think the situation could have been handled differently?  It wouldn't have hurt to ask exactly what she meant; perhaps the "cocktail" was a variant known only to the regulars, maybe in a different glass with a slight change in the proportion of ingredients or an extra cherry.  Engaging a customer in a positive manner is usually good for business but I've never tended bar.  I preferred working the other side of the counter.

You know what's worse than everybody piling onto you?

Yeah, when they're not but simply stating a difference of opinion.  The cloak of martyrdom is an ill fit.


I think that perhaps Old Dog does not get the point of meaningless arguments.

Perhaps I don't and the point about logic and semantics is well taken.  Let me give "less is more" one final shot.

On the surface, "less is more" only considers quantity but I think that the nature of quality should also be factored in.  I've already mentioned the use of negative space but there's more to it than that.  Colin Chapman, the noted British race car designer, was once asked about his secret to building a winning car.  He responded by saying that he "adds lightness."  By removing as much as possible he was able to build cars that were better handling, more efficient, and faster.  In this case, less is indeed more if you want to judge by winning results.  And now I'm done with this topic since I think it's a philosophical issue that will never be resolved to everyone's satisfaction.


Know what's worse than nobody saying anything about you?  Nobody saying nothing at all.

Less is more.

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