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Friday, December 14, 2018

Uncle Ken's credo amended

Oh that caravan, it continues to obsess Beagles clear up at the far northern edge of the country.  I don't know what can be done about that, Beagles' obsession that is, as for the caravan if it reaches the border it will splash like a gentle wave on the lake on a warm summer day and drift away just like every caravan before it.  It's not our politicians left and right who are making a big deal about it, it is Trump alone, and now he has lost interest in it, and that's why you have to root into the internet to find out how it is going rather than skim the headlines of the day.

My guess is the Indians didn't think it was such a big pie when our forefathers showed up to help themselves to a big fat slice of it.  Did I say big fat slice?  I meant to say the whole pie.  Did I say our forefathers?  Some of the forefathers of Beagles and myself were not wanted here either because the citizens of the time felt that we were invading their country.

Americans used to breed like rabbits too.  Once we got  rich and settled we had fewer kids, as do the Mexicans who have been here for two or three generations.

I didn't get a chance to review Diamond in Wiki, but I did look up this Hanson guy, and he is more than somewhat right wing.  That doesn't mean that he is wrong about say, the ancient Greeks, but this is an old story about how all the good ideas came from the west and the folks of the east like being ruled by despots, and I don't know how good a case he makes.

I have read frequently that while we civilized folk have to be pretty smart with our complex society and institutes of higher learning and all, but that surviving in the bush with its huge variety of plants and animals, takes a whole lot more brainpower.  Maybe those early cro magnons were too busy chasing and being chased by savage beasts to note the sprout of some edible.  And those fat veggies and grains of today are the product of thousands of years of development, and likely their scrawny forebears weren't as worth the trouble of cultivating with more pressing matters going on in the woods.  And likely too it probably popped up here and there before it caught on as a big deal.

If what Old Dog means by what he did there when discussing calculus was the use of the terms point and limits, then yes I did, and very good.  I was never that good at spatial things and geometry seemed kind of tedious, so I guess I an an algebra kind of guy, and number theory, that is aces with me.  And there is a whole field of the philosophy of math which roughly revolves around, is math what rules the universe, or just something we thought up when one savage beast was roasting on the spit and the others were held in abeyance by the fire and down by the river the stringbean sprouts were just poking out of the mud, and we had time to count on our fingers?

Well, you know how I feel about links, but when I got to the statement: Whether a hot dog is a sandwich is a problem that has long divided people who like to get into meaningless arguments I was like, what, how come I don't know about this?   I would go into more detail but it's almost time for the paper to hit the door.  First this whole cube theory is just something this guy has pulled out of his ass.  At first I had hopes that this would be based on topology, but it's just stoopid and lacking rigor and smart alecky.  All starches are not the same.  If your mom sent you to the store for a loaf of bread and you came home with a sack of tortillas she would rightly send you right back.  That little join of the upper and lower bun is no big deal and often becomes undone before the sandwich is consumed..  Did you see what I did there?  Yes, a hot dog is a sandwich, and a taco is a taco.

And art should look like art and music should sound like music, and less is not more, it's less.  See you guys Monday.

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