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Tuesday, December 25, 2018

merry christmas

I think it's just you Beagles, I think most other people are not bored by the shutdown.  The reason previous shutdowns haven't done much harm is that none of them has lasted very long,  This one looks like it will be going on until Coulter and Limbaugh's ratings drop.  And even if they don't go on long they hurt the credit rating of the USA so we have to pay more for the money we borrow which is soaring under the current regime. 

How about that Paul Ryan who rode into DC atop the snorting steed of fiscal responsibility and whose only accomplishment was a fat tax cut for the richies, which how hard was that with the reps holding all three branches of gummint?  True there is not much he could have done against the Trump gale, but maybe he didn't have to break down like a shotgun, and break down his steed too before the mighty Trump.  He could have gone down in history as a guy who didn't accomplish anything but who had some integrity, but instead he decided to go down as a guy who didn't accomplish anything and had no integrity.

The press has been after Trump to name one policy advisor who was for pulling out of Syria but no name has been forthcoming.  Mattis has shown some integrity by resigning, but Bolton and the rest of the lickspittle crew are hanging onto their cushy jobs. I guess that famed Turkish charm is what turned Trump's head.

The Kurds are valiant fighters, but they are in it for the Kurds, and if they can get a better deal (a better deal than being mowed down by the Turks) from somebody else, they will take it.

Trump is running out of people to hire.  It won't be long until the guy who sells newspapers in front of Fox Studios is the Secretary of Something. 

Mexicans have been coming here for jobs for a long time before now and will continue thus for a long time in the future, and if you build the wall they will still come in.  But I think it is pretty clear with the results of the 2018 elections that the wall will never be built.

Outside of all that it is a mild winter day and I will soon be going over the river and through the woods to my sister's house and Old Dog will be doing the same to his sister's, and I reckon Beagles will be going to his daughter's, or she to his house.  I urge the Beagles family to take lots of photos and put them on facebook.  I love seeing Beagles standing among his kin and looking a little befuddled.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

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