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Sunday, December 9, 2018

Another rabbit hole

Without taking a trip to Wikipedia I'm going to stick my neck out and say that the toddler sister of Dick and Jane was named Sally.  Sometimes you just have to trust your memory.  As often as I've seen the name Sally in print I've only met one or two girls with that name in my life, one was in college.  It's not a bad name, kind of cute in a quaint way, and I wonder why it hasn't been more popular.  But the popularity of children's names changes with the times and sometimes I wonder what the parents were thinking.


If Uncle Ken was an usher at the State/Lake Theater I have to assume he was one of the Andy Frain guys with their spiffy blue uniforms, white gloves, and flashlight.  A pal of mine from high school worked for Andy Frain, sometimes at Wrigley Field but most of the time at the Uptown Theater, a huge movie palace long since abandoned.  When the balcony was closed our group of goofballs was allowed access; always good to have a connection on the inside.  The balcony in the Uptown was like a little club reserved for friends of the ushers;  you'd see groups of people spread out all over the place.  It was nice, you could have a conversation and not bother anybody because they were too far away to hear you.

----- should look like music...

Yes, a lot of modern music looks terrible.


Mr. Beagles hit a home run with his introduction of Jara Cimrman to the halls of Beaglesonia.  After reading the Wikipedia entry and seeing the number of videos on YouTube I think I've found another rabbit hole to explore.  Why haven't I heard of the Cimrman English Theater until now?

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