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Sunday, July 3, 2016

Testing, testing, 1 2 3...

(taps microphone)  Is this thing on?

Thanks for the invitation from Uncle Ken to join the Institution's discussions, but as I told him at Friday night's Tencat seminar, it is a daunting responsibility.

It's one thing to ramble on and run one's mouth in a tavern while enjoying a few fermented malt beverages; I've never considered "bar talk" to be legally binding.  Posting to a blog, however, is a matter of public record and I am not used to always carefully choosing my words, lest they come back and bite me.

So...are there particular guidelines to follow, other than maintaining reasonable discussions?  Any topics that should be avoided (not that they are not worth discussion but might be more trouble than they are worth, can-of-worms-wise).  My guess is that "anything goes" with self-imposed limits based on common sense and mutual respect.  As the "new guy" I expect a certain amount of hazing and ridicule.

Okay, first post and I want to keep it short...must go back a few topics and gather my thoughts.  But, according the most recent issue of The Economist, Mr. Beagles is right on the button regarding urban sprawl and suburbia.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome aboard! The only rule we have is that we try not to get personally abusive. It's okay to kid around but, if someone really hurts your feelings, feel free to call them on it. I was going to finish my last post tonight, but I don't think it's going to happen. Maybe tomorrow.
